Updating The Windows Your Home

Keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer is important. If the windows in your home are old, and the air is leaking past the seals or if the glass is old and thin, it can make keeping your home comfortable harder and can drive your energy bills up. New windows can make a significant difference in both the efficiency and the cost.

Window Choices

When you start shopping for new windows, you will find a lot of options on the market to choose from. The standard windows in most homes are made with wooden frames and a single pane of glass. Replacing them is simply a matter of buying the right size windows and installing them in place of the original windows. A contractor can help you with it and make it seem that simple. 

Choosing windows starts with a trip to the window dealer to see what options you have. Look for windows with the best energy rating, and talk to the manufacturer about the materials they use. Windows with vinyl cladding on the frames are an excellent option because they withstand weather, will not fade over time, do not need repainting, and do not rot.  

Aluminum is also a good choice but may not last as long as the vinyl windows. 

Efficient Windows

Multipane windows are more efficient than a standard window because they use several panes of glass with an air space between them. The air space creates an insulating buffer between the inside and the outside pane of glass, keeping the cold out and the warm in. Often the air space is filled with an inert gas to keep condensation or moisture from collecting inside the gap.

There are also models using three panes of glass and two gaps or air spaces that offer even more protection from the weather outside, but they are expensive.

Custom Fit Windows

When you go to the window shop to pick out your windows, they can work with you to create custom windows for you, manufacturing them in specific sizes and shapes for your home. If you are going to order custom windows, it is a good idea to have your contractor take the measurements and ensure the dimensions are right because once you order the window, you cant return it. 

The contractor may be able to change the window opening in the home to work with the window, but that is a lot of work that is not necessary if the window is the correct size. 

For more information about energy-efficient windows, contact a window supplier in your area.
